“MiClub Junior” is an initiative of CFMID Ltd which is the pioneer in introducing Inborn Potential based tests and activity centre concept in India. “MiClub Junior” is a one of its kind Inborn Potential based activity centre concept using 2 different channels. It is a unique blend of fun and knowledge based activities, to make every child an all rounder in the true sense. These activities are sent to children at their home on monthly basis and also available through company centres in select cities. Children can come to these centres and do activities under the supervision of teachers.
Our home based activities are designed in such a way that parents can read simple instructions and help their children to perform those activities. Apart from developing children in various areas, these are also meant to improve bonding with parents & children which is very important part of life especially when children are growing. Parents always have a tough task in teaching practical life skills to their children and understand their talents. Now they have a partner in this tough journey….
MiClub Junior which helps parents to explore their child’s creativity, teaches him to face practical life situations and use money correctly. It will shape every child to grow up as an independent and successful individual.
Engaging the kids in MiClub Junior, activates right brain thinking in children through fun based activities in categories like emotional intelligence, financial intelligence, lateral thinking, game and puzzles, practical life skills, art and craft, English through phonics etc.