We as individuals may be having answers to each of the above questions. However, there remains a lot to be known about our own self and at times we look out for these answers.
As a parent, the need to provide best learning and developmental environment for our child is always a top priority. As parents we all hand hold our child in nurturing and developing them through their key stages of life. With a sea of options for child development easily available in the neighborhood or within our own home, if only we understand the right pathway to nurture, will we be in a better position to create conducive environments for our child’s growth.
In some cases we may be at the perfect place and job position currently. But if we look at the major population of employees and professionals in our country, most of them do not get an opportunity or do not choose their career / work in areas which brings out their passion and creativity. When we choose a profession that matches with our inborn strengths, or what we call as our inborn potential, our productivity and our happiness quotient remains at an all time high. Today Human Resource Managers find it challenging to identify the right talent or people with right skills for the right job.
There’s always a scope for knowing few crucial things in-depth about our own self which can actually lead to Self Realization and create a path for discovering one’s true potential.
Here at CFMID our team of biometric analysis experts has created a very specific human development tool called “EKA” for human nurturing. EKA is a onetime biometric report available for all age groups. EKA adds immense value in the education and recruitment domains.
EKA aims to answer all such questions by identifying “Ur Neural Intelligence Quantification (U-NiQ) ”
EKA (U-NiQ) is one of the most technologically advanced methods through Dermatoglyphics (Study of Fingerprint Patterns). We humans are arguably the best creation of nature and have evolved over time and maximized our capabilities with innate potentials. Human brain is the epicenter of every discovery, innovation and evolution. Some of the greatest brains have inspired whole humanity….. But why only few? EKA aims to broaden this scope by impacting growth of each and every individual.
Every individual is complete in itself but it is the self realisation and right application of best abilities that makes one human different from another. EKA helps you identify your true potential, how you have been designed and how to optimize your overall skill sets which would eventually lead to a highly successful and prosperous vocation. Being able to identify your key performing areas and learning preferences can be the best gift one can ask for and EKA is all about that.
We all are one of a kind creation and we all have our individual capabilities, at the same time we all have areas which can be improved upon. EKA envisions helping every individual recognize their uniqueness within. By exploring and developing this uniqueness to the maximum in life, we become a potential contributor to further human evolution.
(EKA in Sanskrit means Unique)
You are EKA…..You are Unique!!!
Click Image for EKA Report Full Preview
EKA Mini, the brain child of CFMID Limited is a basic dermatoglyphics based report which gives details on innate inborn intelligence and abilities. EKA Mini is developed by CFMID Limited with an aim to give access of this technology tool to each and every school and institution under the education and human development spectrum spread worldwide.
Once the school or institution subscribes for EKA Mini, our team implements the whole project in the school within 30 days period. The process we follow involves taking fingerprint scans of each and every student, generating EKA Mini report, delivering the same to institutions and undertaking a 5-10 minutes tele-consultation with parents for their child development based on the child’s innate abilities. Through this tele-consulation our team will share the child’s strengths and areas of improvement.
Project EKA Mini is undertaken in Schools and Institutions of various education boards . The main objective of Project EKA Mini is to create mass level awareness about the benefits and possibilities of “Conscious Parenting”.
Given below are the vital statistics of Project EKA Mini for the year 2017.